French Bridal Cultures

French weddings tend to be fairly formal and traditional affairs. Guests are expected to wearing good clothes( no t- tees or clothes, for illustration) and caps are allowed for females, but not for people. It is also taboo for a host to wearing bright.

Before the wedding, the man greets the wife at her residence and takes her to the church or chapel. Kids may prevent their journey with white bows, which the bride cuts to break through the obstacles she will encounter in marriage. This is a pre-cursor to the contemporary mask. Once inside the temple, the handful stands beneath a” carre”, or silk dome, symbolizing security from evil influences. Laurel leaf are planted along a bridal journey outside the chapel.

The bride and groom mark their bridal credentials known as le cerf and le libellule, and the preacher pronounces them husband and wife in the religion. Finally, the bride will change into her minute dress- frequently a much more sophisticated and formal affair. When they leave the church, she does get showering with rice or plants, or both.

As the newlyweds leave the welcome, a procession of autos yell for them- a convention called “la noce en voiture”. Additionally, the pair french bride celebrations together under a huge umbrella as a sign of their future shelter from rain. And of course, a few of the kids ( “les enfants de l’honneur” ) take on the roles of flower girls and ring bearers to add some charm to the occasion.

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